The wine making process is 100% organic. To create our products we use elements from nature.
We plant indigenous flowers among vines in order to attract and control insects, this creates a beautiful picture of gorgeous flowers all year long. We do not use any artificial fertilizer, chemical herbicide or insecticides. We make compost from natural elements of the foliage of our Valley, worms are also part of this process. This compost is organic certificated and has passed all quality tests. We apply samples of compost and nettle into the irrigation water in order to increase the bio-organic process of the soil. We also use normal sodium bicarbonate and sulfur to keep the plants free of fungi. Our workers handily harvest the grape fruits just at the right moment and you can see how chemical-free are our fruits since the workers love to eat them as they pick them up right from the vine. As we established before, we elaborate our products in a 100% natural way.
AguaTierra Vineyard is developing an organic matter production
program on our own fields which is based on cultivating bio-mass
that is going to be processed and re-incorporated into the soil
in order to enrich the structure of it and also to help the
balance between micro and macro elements of this process.
We own fifty sheep that graze and fertilize the soil thanks
to the manure that is taken from the farmyards.

Worm Farming
From the last five years we have developed a system to create humid acid produced by worms which enrich the soils.